Some utilities using data from the UM-Enterprise Service Bus

FITS (Faculty Instructional Teaching Scheduler)

{{instructorInput}} does not exist
Working hard! Please supply some uniqnames.

Look up {{instructorInputMult.split('\n').length}} user's teaching assignments. If all looks well, download a .ics file to import into you calendar

Instructions for importing ical/ics files into Google Calendar

There was an error looking up {{instructor}}, .
Quite possibly locked and unavailable in MPath QA.
No courses found for {{instructor}}, for {{}}

No classes where this user or users is the Primary Instructor
Title Instructor Section Section type Meetings
{{class.SubjectCode}} {{class.CatalogNumber}}
{{class.SectionNumber}} {{class.SectionTypeDescr}}
{{meeting.StartDate}} {{meeting.StartDate}} - {{meeting.EndDate}}
{{meeting.Instructors.split(',').join(', ')}}
(for importing into Google calendar - only the Primary Instructors)

MComm people details

Working hard!
Uniqname Name Affiliation
{{advisor.uniqname}} {{}} Address | Phone | Title {{advisor.affiliation.join('\n')}}